SC - Reservations at KWHS

MGreene at MGreene at
Wed Apr 26 15:03:52 PDT 2000

OK Gang!  I need to get some info from you all.    I am not sending this
e-mail out to the Knowne World, as I am only looking for an estimate.  For
Knowne World Heraldic Symposium,  Westgate will be required to 'guarantee'
a number of the dorm rooms at Rice U., in a week or so, and I have not been
swamped  with pre-registrations (only 7 so far).  So wanted to get an idea
of how many of you are *planning seriously* to attend, how many will be
staying in the dorms with linens, and how many meals you will buy.  Please
let me know following, so I can plan accordingly.   Think of this as a
mini-registration (non-binding).      Thanks,  Hillary Greenslade
(PS. if you have already sent reservation, don't need to respond.)

SCA Name/branch:         Hillary Greenslade/Westgate
Dorms:    Fri            yes
     Sat            yes
     linens rental:      yes
Meals:  Frid (dinner)         yes
     Sat (Bkfst)         no
     Sat (lunch)         yes
     Sat (dinner)        yes
     Sun(Bkfst)          no
     Sun(lunch)          yes

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