SC - Fwd: ANST - Thanks for the Scroll

MGreene at MGreene at
Mon Apr 16 15:02:43 PDT 2001

Another suggestion for those that paint 'in assembly' process... if more
than one of you worked on a single scroll, then sign it with the name of
branch guild, such as 'BranchX Scribes Guild', so at least the recipient
knows from whence it came.  Thanks for passing that along.    Cheers,

Subject:  SC - Fwd: ANST - Thanks for the Scroll

Hi there,

I just wanted to forward this to those of you who aren't on the Ansteorra
list. This is a reminder that you need to sign your painted charters, and
remind those that you teach to sign theirs. However, it's also a reminder
of how much all your work is appreciated!
Regards, Sara Star Signet

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