[Scriptoris] introductions, please

Suzanne Powell suzanne_powell at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 14:46:57 PDT 2001


I'm Lady Suzanne de la Ferté of Stargate/Westgate (Katy, TX, just west of
Houston). I currently hold two thistles - one in calligraphy and illumination,
the other in cooking.  I am apprenticed to two wonderful laurels -- Master Geof
Cathan and Mistress Rose Cathan.  I run two guilds here in Stargate -- a
tapestry painting guild and a charter painting guild.

I've dabbled in artwork all my life, but didn't study any historical forms
until I joined the SCA (I'm self-taught).  Once Stargate's Yule Revel rolls
around this year, I will have been in the SCA for five years.  I love working
with both calligraphy and illumination.  My long term project is to complete a
illuminated manuscript of 'The Romance of the Rose'.  I'm currently finishing
up an award scroll for a barony in another kingdom.  It's in a celtic/norse
style (think Beowulf format).

I'm also planning my wedding right now -- to be held in May of next year at
Falkenstein Castle (just northwest of Austin, Texas).  Yup, that's right, a
*real* castle here in Texas!  It's built from King Ludwig of Austria's plans
(you remember, the guy who built Neuschwanstein -- the "Disney Castle") for a
second castle that he never got a chance to build himself.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you!

-- Suzanne

--- Kimberly Koch <sarapenrose at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am curious to know who all is on this list, as I am
> certain it has grown considerably since its inception.
> I would love it if we could all take a minute or two
> to introduce ourselves.
> Everyone, please write a little something, whether you
> are a laurel with years of experience or a brand-new
> scribe - I really want to know all about you, and I'm
> sure we'll all enjoy getting to know each other a
> little better.

Lady Suzanne de la Ferté
Stargate/Westgate, Kingdom of Ansteorra
Suzanne C. Powell                            Houston, Texas
                                   suzanne_powell at yahoo.com

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