[Scriptoris] Scrolls on display

Dr Tiomoid M. of Angle tiomoid at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 21 01:20:13 PDT 2001

--- MGreene at mpan.com wrote:

> So guys, what to you think?

Be careful what you wish for ... you just might get it.

[proposals omitted to save space]

> I like her second point, the idea of putting the number of hours on the back
> of a hand made scroll.

I don't. It intrudes a measure of competition and external
admire-me-for-how-much-I-work-itude into an activity that ought to be founded
on beneficence and internal satisfaction. If somebody asks how long it took,
tell them. If they don't ask, keep quiet. The focus ought to be on the quality
of the work, not on how much time (or material) went into it.

> You could even put a price estimate of how much materials cost you to put the
> scroll together... just so people have an idea of a value.

This is like leaving the price tag on a birthday present, just so people will
properly appreciate how much you spent on them. It's tacky. Ah'm agin it.

> And the suggestion of doing an after-court
> display table, would be very nice for a lot of
> our events were the court is before feast, especially.

This, by contrast, is an excellent idea. People have far too few opportunities
to see (and appreciate) the sort of work our scribes do. (It also gives the
court heralds a chance to get names spelled correctly in their award report
forms -- hint, hint.)

The Grumpiest Pelican

Tiomoid M. of Angle  JD MBA
  Polymath and Curmudgeon
"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired."
-- Jonathan Swift

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