[Scriptoris] Special Word Processing Needs

Dr Tiomoid M. of Angle tiomoid at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 8 14:15:17 PST 2002

--- Kayci McKinley <kmckinley at petra-ind.com> wrote:

> Not specifically, but I do know that the Word Art feature in Microsoft Word
> will dynamically fill a word or words to fit in a space.  I am unsure if
> this will work well for large blocks of text, but you might try it and see.

That's close -- it stretches it out or up, but still doesn't automatically
preserve the proportions of the text. That will work in a pinch, but I'd much
rather have the machine do more of the work for me .... :-)


Tiomoid M. of Angle  JD MBA
  Polymath and Curmudgeon
"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired."
-- Jonathan Swift

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