[Scriptoris] Special Word Processing Needs

Dr Tiomoid M. of Angle tiomoid at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 8 14:16:52 PST 2002

--- Mahee <mahee_of_acre at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Use excell, set thecell size to the width of a page
> format each cell to shink to fit
> it sounds strange, but it will do what yuo are asking

Well, not really. It will reduce something that's too long for the space at a
particular font size, but it won't automatically adjust the font size to fit,
either bigger or smaller.


Tiomoid M. of Angle  JD MBA
  Polymath and Curmudgeon
"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired."
-- Jonathan Swift

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