[Scriptoris] Fw: [scribes]: Need help/suggestions for teaching a class

chiara chiara at io.com
Sat Nov 9 18:25:41 PST 2002

I know someone here did a class on this. Can you all write to her directly
with your suggestions? :)

Ansteorra, Steppes

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sally Burnell" <sburnell at raex.com>
To: "SCA Scribes List" <scribes at castle.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 8:16 PM
Subject: [scribes]: Need help/suggestions for teaching a class

> Greetings,
>      I am working on putting together a whitework class for an event here
> locally that is next weekend. I would like any help or suggestions that
> may have on how to do this class. Having never taken such a class myself,
> am still trying to come up with some ideas for a format.
> Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you have to offer!
> ~Saradwen
>   Midrealm
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