[Scriptoris] charters and insignia - thank you!

Kimberly Koch sarapenrose at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 30 13:16:07 PDT 2002

I just wanted to express my thanks to everyone who
turned in much-needed charters and insignia at Elfsea

I received packets from both HL Ceinwen and Baroness
Alys containing lots of lovely scrolls painted by
folks in the Central Region.

I also received a great many Comet medallions (all
beautiful!) from Darius in Elfsea, Moia and Cynthia in
Cridhe na Tyr, and Dyan in Rosenfeld. The kingdom was
desperately in need of Comets, so I am especially
grateful for these donations. Thanks also to Deirdre
in Rosenfeld for all her help encouraging people to
create award insignia.

My sincere thanks to all these kind folks for their

We are always in need of painted charters and insignia
(at the moment, we are particularly in need of Sable
Crane medallions). If you have anything to turn in,
you can give them to me at Laurel's Prize Tourney next
weekend, or to Master Modius at Namron protectorate
the following weekend.

Sara Penrose
Sable Scroll

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