[Scriptoris] Ansteorran Charters

Ansteorran Sable Scroll sable_scroll at ansteorra.org
Fri Apr 18 07:17:33 PDT 2003

Greetings Scribes,

I need your help.  I am getting scrolls that are being turned in that I cannot
use.  Here is my dilemma.

Just this past week, I have seen two sable crane scrolls (they were painted by
different artists and both are different designs) that have the crane painted a
different color other than black.  If you have a question about what colors to
use, here is a website that gives color pictures of the Ansteorran badges.

I need all scribes to pass the word to everyone with paintbrush in-hand to
PLEASE read all charter instructions BEFORE you paint.  These instructions give
us direction for the badges and the standards to conform to.  And if they still
don't understand the instructions, direct them to the website listed above or
contact me.

Please remember ... these charters are being given to individuals who have
worked hard for their group/Ansteorra.  Let's WOW them with our creativity and
period techniques.

Thank you to you all for your continued work and I look forward to more
exceptional scrolls.

In service,
H.Ly. Ceinwen ferch Rhuel
Sable Scroll

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