[Scriptoris] Check this out!

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 18 22:43:40 PDT 2003

Ari (Jocelyn Hinkle) wrote:

>Gods but I feel like a total incompetent now.

>who is going back to crayons and big fat jumbo pencils for a while.

Yes, it is a beautiful piece of work, very much a labor of love on the
part of the artisans who collaborated on it.  It is hardly cause for
you, Ari, to label yourself "incompetent".  Weren't people a few months
back begging you to teach classes on your Arabic illumination

A group of people got together, each doing what he or she was best at,
to create a superior work.  Together we can create works that are
better than what we each alone could create.  I think we don't do
enough of this sort of collaborative work.  When I collaborated with
Lasair on the document for Mahdi's Knighting, it was lots of fun, and
each of us did what we were best at, and the result was a better piece
than either of us alone could have done.  I'm told that most of the
knights on site wanted to kill Mahdi because of it.  ("I've been a
knight for ten years and I don't have a scroll!" was said in my
hearing.)  I think the belief that "I have to do it all myself" is a
large part of why we don't have more original works in Ansteorra.  Why
make a calligrapher uncomfortable doing illumination and an illuminator
uncomfortable doing calligraphy, when they could get together and do
the work?  Besides, the work would get done more quickly if each was
doing what he/she was best at, rather than spending time stumbling
through "that other part" out of a mistaken belief that "I have to do
it all myself."

I know that we Ansteorrans could get together a group of people, each
doing what he or she is best at, to create a superior work, too.  I
hereby volunteer to head the design committee and to come up with words
that are authentic and appropriate to the context of an illuminated
page.  Anyone else interested?  I even have a proposed subject:
Ansteorra's twenty-fifth anniversary as a kingdom is a little over a
year away.  Can you say "commemorative"?

The problem, of course, is that something big and framed that's made
for "the kingdom", rather than for a specific person, would disappear
into the kingdom historian's house, becoming a millstone of the office
because it doesn't fit into a file box.  Does anyone have any

A book with a page for each reign?
A heraldic genealogical roll?  (My personal favorite idea so far!)
A Blackfox collection? ;^)
any other ideas?


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