[Scriptoris] Check this out!

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 20 11:14:52 PDT 2003

I wrote:

> >Yes, it is a beautiful piece of work, very much a labor of love on
> >the part of the artisans who collaborated on it.  It is hardly cause
> >for you, Ari, to label yourself "incompetent".

To which Ari responded:

> Smack upside the head, and reality check duly noted.
> ;-)

You're welcome!  :^)

> Gods but I want to learn figure painting from that one artist tho.
> The faces of her angellic host are stunning.

I quite agree.  People are really difficult to do.  I can paint
practically anything else, but not people.  I strongly suspect that the
artist who did the angelic host is a professionally trained painter of
the Old School.

--Serena, who suggested a heraldic geneological roll project because it
doesn't include drawing & painting people....

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