[Scriptoris] rewarding scribes

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 29 09:37:15 PST 2003

I've seen a few give lists of paints and other scribal supplies.  The problem most folks will have
with that is they will not know what to get for you, ie. brands, color choices, unless you tell
them.  So, I guess you could print up a 'wish' list of scribal supplies, and where to get them, to
hand to the person commissioning scrolls.  

If they are not able to offer any monetary compensation for the full purchase (and I have no
problems with that), then they could pay for the purchase of supplies, and/or barter for the
scroll time and skill sets used on the scroll, in order to keep the 'monetary' price at a minimum.

Gift certificates at SCA based catalogs (Chivalry Sports), museums (The Met), or modern stores
(Container Store, sporting goods, movie tickets) are always welcome.  

I would rather suggest other items that the receipent themselves can make...as in if they are a
costumer, then maybe they can make you a chemise or gown, or if a woodworker, a bench or table...
essentially the historic barter method.   

If the receipient is not artistic, they can feed me at events, as I really hate to cook when I
don't have to. 

They can volunteer to do service at an event I'm in charge of, in an area they are qualified for. 
Or tote and carry my gear and set up/take down my tent in my camping space.  

Those are a few ideas, if I find others I'll post. 
Cheers, Hillary 

--- Ansteorra Star Signet <star_signet at ansteorra.org> wrote:
> At the meeting of the college of scribes at Crown Tourney, it was asked that
> I compile a list of ways to reward or thank an artist for a scroll other
> than monetary compensation.
> As I have been focusing on a few other projects this one has sat on the back
> burner longer than I intended.
> so any suggestions?
> In Service to Crown and Kingdom
> Darius of the Bells, OL
> Star Signet

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