[Scriptoris] Summary of Discussions at Round Table (LONG!)
Star Signet Herald
star_signet at ansteorra.org
Fri Jan 24 06:45:09 PST 2003
Greetings to everyone,
As promised, here is the synopsis of the discussion at King’s Round Table last
Saturday. This is long and somewhat detailed. I would recommend taking a trip
to the necessary and grabbing something to eat/drink before beginning. :)
1. Officers – We have 8 warranted officers in the college of scribes. They are:
Star Signet – Annais de Montgomerie
Emergency Replacement to Star Signet – Augaire Uisnigh
Sable Scroll – Ceinwen ferch Rhuel
Northern Regional Scribe – Gwenhuyvar verch Margant Dedwydd
Central Regional Scribe – Ceinwen ferch Rhuel
Western Regional Scribe – Oriana Luisa de Francesco
Southern Regional Scribe – Emma Dandelion
Coastal Regional Scribe – Lisabetta Micola de Monte
It is our responsibility to encourage and promote the scribal arts within the
Kingdom and respective regions. We have blank charters to hand out to those
interested in painting them. We will take any completed charters and forward
them to Sable Scroll.
If you do not know our kingdom’s scribal officers, please take a moment to
introduce yourself. We would love to get to know everyone.
New Charter masters are always welcome. If you are interested in creating a
new charter master, please contact me. New charter masters should be given to
Star Signet.
2. Local scribal guilds – If there is one in your area, I encourage you to
attend. There is a sense of community and a wealth of knowledge to share. If
there is not a local guild in your area and you are interested in starting one,
please let your Regional Scribe know. They will help you get one going.
3. New Charter Master Packet – There will be an updated charter master
packet out by February 15, 2003. It will contain at least one new charter.
The charters will be named and all charters will have a blurb on them with the
recommended way to paint them and the artist(s) who created them, if known.
4. Southern Regional Scribe-Position opening – Emma Dandelion will be stepping
down in May. If you have questions about the details of this job, please ask
Emma or me. If you would like to apply, please send copies of your application
to Emma and Star Signet. Applications will close on March 30, 2003. A
decision will be made by April 15, 2003. And the transfer will be complete on
May 1, 2003.
5. Charter painting tables at events – There is still interest in charter
painting tables at events. Volunteers are needed to host charter tables at
events. If you would like to host a table, but you’ve never done this sort of
thing before, please talk with your local guild head or the regional scribe or
someone who has run one before. This is a fun and relatively simple way to
help our fair kingdom.
6. Website update – Who’s Who of Scribes in Ansteorra - This will be a page on
the Scriptoris website that lists who you are, your geographical location, what
you do, what media you use-just a general bio and any other pertinent
information and maybe a photo. Thanks to HL Suzanne de la Ferte for renewing
this idea!!! The response at Round Table was overwhelmingly positive.
Original Work – You can also have your work put on the Scriptoris website. All
that’s needed is a release to publish and a photo or e-file of your work
in .jpg format. Then send the file to me and a copy to Lady Francesca (CoS
virtual scribe). And we will get it out there.
Local Guild Meetings – It would be helpful if people knew when/where local
guilds have their meetings. There is now a place on the Scriptoris website to
put your local group and meeting times and a link to a contact’s email
address. If you want your guild’s information on the CoS site, please email
Lady Francesca, ches at io.com . She will get your information up.
7. Email lists – There are several email lists dedicated to scribal arts.
There is our kingdom list-Scriptoris. Lisabetta has set up a Coastal
Scriptoris list. There is also a very good list at scribe at castle.org. Anyone
can subscribe to these lists and use them to ask questions, post links to their
websites to show off their works, share information on what is going on in your
area, or whatever else that relates to scribal arts.
8. Scribal Tea at Steppes Warlord – I am currently working with the autocrats
of Warlord to get time in the hall to have a Scribal Tea. The idea is to have a
time of about 3 hours in the hall on Saturday or Sunday for the scribes of the
kingdom to get together, show off their work, discuss scribal activities,
discuss scribal techniques, and anything else they are doing or wanting to try.
The tea would be open to any and all with an interest in scribal arts. We
would have light refreshments at a sideboard. Thanks to HL Muireann for coming
up with this idea!!!! I will let everyone know the details once the autocrats
decide yea or nay.
9. Coastal Charter Master Challenge – Complete information is on the Coastal
Scribal Website, or contact Lady Lisabetta. You do not have to be from the
Coastal Region to enter.
10. Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal – The Canton of Westgate will be hosting
this event on June 28, 2003. We still need lots and lots of teachers. We
still need lots and lots of students. I have planned another round table
discussion for the CoS. Please spread the word to all that are interested.
Last year Mooneshadow hosted this event and they did an excellent job! They had
a great slate of scribal classes and the teachers were outstanding. I know we
can do just as well this year.
11. Original scrolls – There is a serious backlog of achievement scrolls in
this kingdom. From the response at Round Table, the scribes of this kingdom
are very interested in rectifying this backlog. If you are interested in doing
an original scroll (in whole or in part), please send me your contact
information along with what you’re comfortable doing. If you are only
comfortable with Celtic layout and design, but you don’t think your calligraphy
or painting is very good, let me know that. Seven peers have contacted me
wanting their achievement scrolls/Letters Patent done. I would like to match
assignment with scribes as soon as possible. Please contact me if you are
Thanks for your time. We discussed many things at round table and I hope I
covered them all. If you have any ideas, thoughts or concerns post them to the
Scriptoris email list or contact me. I will assist in any way I can.
In Service to Ansteorra and her scribes,
Annais de Montgomerie
Star Signet
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