[Scriptoris] Discussions at Round Table

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 20 18:11:54 PST 2003

--- Star Signet Herald <star_signet at ansteorra.org> wrote:
> (The discussion and commentary upon the Herding of Cats has been postponed
> due to the fact that I can't find them, can't get them together long
>enough to stay in one place, or coax them out of their dark little hide-y
>holes.  And yes, I did try the "Eau de Cremé" and cat-fishing techniques.
>Perhaps I should go for the hard stuff, "Eau de Tuná" and reruns of Pixie
>and Dixie. hmmmmm......)
Nay, you did not use the tried and true method of luring scribal painters
(and perhaps 'scribal cats'?? ) that Curstaidh uses....chocolate, lots of
chocolate!  Hillary

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