[Scriptoris] The scroll

chiara chiara at io.com
Tue Jul 8 09:30:26 PDT 2003

Here it is, the labor of love, worked on since this past October. This was
the last shot before I put on the last final touches, the signature put on
it, and finally presented. It now lives in Colorado.

This is the scroll that I have been talking about all these months, well ok
one of the two, it is not an SCA scroll so you will not see it in person but
I had to share it with you all.


The hand and the art are from two different periods and lands. The person
that this was done for was into harry potter so the "i"'s were dotted with
little tiny lighting bolts that you need a magnify glass to see (go crow
quill!), his household symbols is hidden in the flowers, he is into the
history of the templars so I have the popular 13th century templar on the
bottom left and on the right the oldest known drawing on parchment found
that is said to be two templar knights riding into a city, on the bottom two
plain uncolored dragons, on the left a banner unfurled where Latin was to be
inscribed, on top a blue comet flashing across the sky announcing in the
event, surrounding the scroll is all the heraldic line before him and below
the award itself.

If you want to see the original art let me know and I will put it up for you
to see.

Chiara Francesca
Ansteorra, Steppes
Not all ermine spots are created equally

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