[Scriptoris] Getting Started

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 12:37:47 PST 2003

--- Joseph Percer <jpercer at stx.rr.com> wrote:
> Greetings to the College of Scribes,
> I'm located in Seawinds, and I'm quite curious about getting into the
> scribal arts, and possibly getting a guild going down here eventually, and
> I was wondering what sort of materials I need to start collecting. I've
> already got a set of pens & nibs, and some inks, though, I'm working on my
> ink collection. I wanted to know what sort of inks, paints, and papers are
> used, as well as anything else.
> Thanks,
> Jaime Domingo del Valle,
> Shire of Seawinds
> mka Joe Percer
Greetings Jaime, and well met,
You may want to begin first by contacting the Coastal regional scribal
officer, Lady Lisabetta at: <lisabetta at ansteorra.net>   and she can provide
you with suggestions for starting your guild, as well as charters ready for
the folks to paint for kingdom awards.

I personally prefer Winsor-Newton Gauche paints, but at the war I also saw a
lot of 'Reeves' watercolors being used, as it was considered more accessible
to some locations.   For inks, I like Higgens 'Eternal', and Pelican india
ink.  Papers, my favorite is Fabriano Artistico, but you may be able to find
Arches, Stathmore, and others.  Try to buy the hot press, on non-charcoal
use papers, something with a smooth texture surface.  Nibs, if I can get
them I like Hunt or Brause, but often use Speedball C.

Additionally, on June 28th, Ansteorra Heraldic and Scribal Symposium will be
held in Stargate (Houston), so perhaps your artisans may wish to attend.
Best of luck,  Hillary Greenslade

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