[Scriptoris] Getting Started

lisabetta lisabetta at pop-server.houston.rr.com
Mon Mar 17 12:11:29 PST 2003


In service
Lady Lisabetta Micola da Monte
Coastal Region Scribe

At Monday, 17 March 2003, you wrote:

>Greetings to the College of Scribes,
>I'm located in Seawinds, and I'm quite curious about getting into the
>scribal arts, and possibly getting a guild going down here eventually,
and I
>was wondering what sort of materials I need to start collecting. I've
>already got a set of pens & nibs, and some inks, though, I'm working
on my
>ink collection. I wanted to know what sort of inks, paints, and
papers are
>used, as well as anything else.
>Jaime Domingo del Valle,
>Shire of Seawinds
>mka Joe Percer
>Scriptoris mailing list
>Scriptoris at ansteorra.org

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