[Scriptoris] Actually.....attempt at "dark" hours scroll

letebts@earthlink.net letebts at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 21 20:32:31 PST 2003

There's an old prayer:
O Lord, keep my words soft and sweet, for I may have to eat them tomorrow!

Lete  ;-)

on 3/11/03 7:35 PM, Diane Rudin at serena1570 at yahoo.com wrote:

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> chiara <chiara at io.com> wrote:
>> What I need to know is this piece of skin is kinda rolled up and I want to
>> flatten it out before I start inking. Do I wet it, and if so how much, and
>> nail/staple it to the frame first then ink? How long do I let it dry before
>> inking?
> DON"T WET IT.  Even if it weren't dyed, it would get all messed up.  Being
> dyed, you could also end up with a blue mess all over your house, and a
> splotchy skin.  If it's vellum/parchment that's been properly scraped to
> thinness, all you need to do is unroll it carefully in an aprx. 50% humidity
> environment, lay a protective layer of pH-neutral paper beneath it and above
> it, and put it on a hard flat surface with a bunch of heavy books on top of it
> (the OED is great for this).  Check every day or so and see if it's been
> "ironed" by gravity yet.
> If it's the usual thick stuff that seems to be the only way I can find
> vellum/parchment these days (bookbinders' parchment), it'll take longer to
> flatten out; be patient.
>> What nib is best for this type of skin?
> I'd need to see it to be sure, but I've used good dip-pen nibs and goose quill
> pens, and both worked fine.  I wouldn't use a cartridge pen (not usually
> "sharp" enough) or Speedball nibs (crummy quality).  That's assuming we're
> talking about vellum/parchment "skin" and not leather....  :^)
> I understand your hesitation about entering A&S competitions.  It may be
> horrifying to realize this, but the criticism you receive at real-world art
> competitions and academic seminars is usually far harsher than almost anything
> I've ever seen in the SCA.  However, when people use that as an excuse to be
> very critical, they're forgetting that this is NOT a professional
> organization; we're a bunch of hobbyists doing this for fun.  This is not a
> training ground for "what it's like in the REAL world", it's our ESCAPE from
> the "real" world.  I try to keep that in mind when I'm judging things.  I'm
> sure I don't always manage to be as helpful as I could, but I try.  I'm
> certainly critical enough, but I try to couch my comments in a helpful,
> positive manner.  (However, I will not be held responsible for what
> eavesdroppers hear.)
> I'm sorry that you've had bad experiences.  Please try to remember that just
> because someone gave us pretty Laurel jewelry doesn't mean that we stopped
> being human.  We have good days and bad days just like anybody else.  I wonder
> about the people who always seem to be having bad days, but I really can
> police only my own behavior.  I try to remember that, for all I know, the
> artisan's had a death in the family that week, or lost a job, or is facing a
> huge bill of some kind.  Remember that the Laurel judging you could be just as
> disaster-ridden, and forgive.
> --Serena
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