[Scriptoris] Source for feathers

letebts@earthlink.net letebts at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 27 08:02:27 PST 2003

Some non-SCA people have used feathers from an "Indian headress" bought at a
toy store. If I (as Calligraphy Heaven, a retailer) can get a substantial
order for real quills, I have a wholesaler-to-retailer source for primaries
from many kinds of birds, including goose, possibly swan. The only problem
is that, in the last orders, the company doesn't differentiate right and
left wing feathers, left wing primaries being perfectly curved for
right-handed scribes. The right wing feathers make nice dusters for sandarac
and eraser leftovers.


on 3/18/03 12:29 PM, Coastal Regional Scribe at coastal_scribe at ansteorra.org

> I am in need of a source for about 20 feathers that can fit a bic pen inside..
> any suggestions?
> betta
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