[Scriptoris] vellum sources

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 15:59:30 PDT 2003

Try searches for 'Calligraphy supplies', as sometimes searching for 'vellum'
gets you a form of architectural tracing paper (I have rolls of it left from
Dad, an architect).

US Suppliers:
John Neal Books:
They carry the real calfskin stuff, but it's not cheep.
Parchment will also be skin, but from sheep or goat, vs. cattle or deer.

Paper and Ink books:  http://www.paperinkarts.com/
Request a catalog.

Bookbinders Warehouse 31 Division St, Keyport NJ 07735 (908) 264-0306;
e-mail KarenC5071 at aol.com   The pages may be a bit thicker, as they may be
intended for bookbinding.

There are a number of others regularly posted on the SCA-wide list, some of
them out of the US, but the above list should get you started.

--- Beth Hansen <Beth at stormreaver.net> wrote:
> Does anyone have a source for purchasing actual, honest to goodness
> vellum?
> I've spent two evenings surfing the web trying to find folks who sell the
> real stuff, but haven't come up with anything...
> Suggestions?
> - zubeydah

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