[Scriptoris] Just say No

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 16 11:40:00 PDT 2003

<<But...   as long as you say yes every time, you're holding back those who
may wish to learn (even if they don't know it yet)>>

The above was a statement made by a lady on the SCA Scribes list, and I
thought it was worth considering.  The discussion has been on scribes who
are burning out (especially in those kingdoms where all scrolls are
handmade), and who scribes need to learn how to balance their
time,prioritize and delegate...and in some cases, say 'No, sorry I cannot do
that scroll for you as I don't have enough time'.

But the statement above got me to thinking as well... we need to be careful
if we are the one's who take 'ALL' the scribal commissions, or all the
scribal jobs, as we may be limiting who else may step up to the plate.  It's
also a good rule when you take an office, to begin looking for your
replacement immediately, and start training them and other deputies in your
job, so they are ready to take off running if/when they accept it next.

Hopefully food for thought.

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