[Scriptoris] Re: speaking of standards

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 9 16:21:04 PDT 2003

I like the idea of an article.  Maybe even add some pictures or photos, it
could be added to the Ansteorran scribal website.  Since you have experience
with frames, you could even add in a bit about what to do if you have a
non-standard frame, as how to purchase and use those frame parts available
to fit any size.   I like it.  

--- isaacbane at att.net wrote:
> I have worked in a Hobby Lobby Framing shop and know a bit about matting
> and framing pictures. 
> Cutting a Mat is not really all that difficult with the right equipment. 
> Mat cutting and framing is something that could be easily passed on.  I've
> found it nothing more then a simple process with a few tricks to help get
the professorial look.  
> I think I could write something on how to cut mats and frame pictures.  It
> might take a little while, because I’m playing catch up on original prize 
> scrolls, but it could be done.
> Isaac

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