[Scriptoris] Re: speaking of standards

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 9 17:07:46 PDT 2003

Rather than revising charter sizes, I think the black border needs to be
removed off the charter masters, and have been preaching that for years.  I
don't see why we cut their charter down to our specific ideas of size;
though many just frame it with the black border showing.  I understand it
was there at one time to aid in the squareness of copying, but don't think
it needs to continue.  By removing the black border you give the option for
more paper to show when selecting a frame and mat choice.  

--- Ansteorra Star Signet <star_signet at ansteorra.org> wrote:
> For now the standard sizes for printed charters and achievments will
> remain
> as they are. The only size that I have fhound any difficulty in finding
> frames for is the 9x12 Armigerous scrolls. however I am still finding
> frames
> for them. Currently I feel there are enough irons in the fire without
> adding
> this one.
> In Service
> Darius
> Star Signet
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