[Scriptoris] Meeting at Crown Tourney and an administrative announcement (long)
Ansteorra Star Signet
star_signet at ansteorra.org
Sun Nov 2 15:40:38 PST 2003
Greetings to the College of scribes!
Well the meeting at the college of scribes went smoothly, except for a few
uninvited yellow jackets.
We talked about several things and I would like to give the highlights from
my notes.
The first item of discussion was new charter designs.
Much of what was touched on was we felt some people did not know the process
of how to submit new charters and others simply want to know what is needed.
I am asking Mistress Stella if I can get her Charter design class handout to
post on the website and will be developing a table of what we have and what
we need as well. As well as noting which are high priorities.
A secondary discussion occurred regarding what type of designs are needed in
terms of time period and geographic area from whence the original came. This
information will accompany the table to be produced so we can look at what
types of charter are needed for each award. I will also be asking that
"persona information _if known_" be added to the kingdom award rec form to
aid Sable scroll in picking out scrolls.
A second discussion that came from this first item was the desire form more
advanced painting technique classes. the examples used were Kells and White
Vine. Both of these can be painted with the right colors and look good but
you really need to study these styles to do them and really make them pop. I
ask any one who has studied more advanced styles to teach what you have
learned and send in articles to the website. if we get enough of them I will
discuss other publication options to make them even more available.
There were several informative points of discussion from me to the college.
1. There will shortly be a standard release form for charters to be
submitted for use and added to the scribes website made available.
2. Local guild principals will now need to be paid members and report to the
regional Scribe. this is being done for several reasons,
First and foremost is to protect the local scribes should a copyright
lawsuit be filed against the SCA originating in their group.
Second this allows for a standard consistent venue of communication between
the regional and local groups.
Third this allows both the regional and the locals an administrative
recourse for problem solving and trouble shooting in the area.
The regional are asked to contact the local groups and acquire membership
information from those who are guild principals. I would like to have a
Warrant roster to submit to Star Principal to be added to the CoH roster
before Coronation in January.
Please note. this does not mean you need to be part of a local guild or a
paid member to paint scrolls. this only effects the guilds that are part of
a Local branch of the SCA Inc.
Next we discussed Original Pieces for the peers and nobles.
The Scroll request form online will be put into active use
(http:scribe.Ansteorra.org/scrollrequest.html) as well as a down loadable
PDF version will be posted and I will have print versions with me at events.
We discussed a seeming reluctance in some of the peers to out and ask for a
"scroll" We know they want them we know many don't have them so why aren't
they asking for them? Mahee spoke up and ask that I post a list of possible
venues of thanks for doing these pieces. He stated and many including myself
agreed that many are likely shy about asking for this to be done because
they do not know how to thank or to compensate the artists working on these
projects. I will be gathering information on this subject an adding it to
the articles section of the Scribes website ASAP.
I will also be investigation the needs for a new deputy office focused on
Filling out charters for those people who have never got one (like most
falcons) or have had their scroll damaged or destroyed. I will be defining
the needs of this office and I will open it for bids in the December Black
Star. It was recommended to me in the meeting by Mistress Stella and others
that I define this office from both views of the scribes college needs as
well as the expectations of the populace.
In the future I will be holding similar meetings to this one at the Red tape
Events and will be available at Crown Tourneys for official meetings if
needed. other meetings will be schedules as needed through out the Kingdom
and of course any one may grab me at any time. The next meeting of the
college of scribes will be at Red tape in January. I will be in attendance
before then at Dragonsfire Tor Yule, Bonwicke 12th night, Steppes 12th
night, and Coronation
I also ask what scribes want of me as Star Signet. This is important to me
because though I have an agenda of what I would like to accomplish during my
term, these projects mean nothing if they are not what the college
wants.Mahee gave his statement in three words "inspire and provide" I will
do my best to inspire as to providing tell me what you need and I will do
what is in my power to provide it.
I would encourage all of you as members of this community to e-mail me
directly and tell me what you expect of me as your Star Signet. There are a
few other changes occurring in the college
The final item that was discussed as the floor was opened was children doing
painting. Mahee (wow that name is coming up allot) mentioned that as coastal
he had kept a couple of children's charters for them to paint. this is a
great Idea. please submit a few easy to paint designs that can be painted by
our children saying things like "Be it known you are the kingdoms best mom"
and other like things that the kids can paint and _use_. we all hate to have
the kids paint charters and know they likely won't be used. things like this
the kids can take and use. and be happy with their accomplishment of
painting a scroll at an official charter painting table.
Age ranges and the question of allowing the children to work on stuff at the
charter painting tables is purely up to the patience of the person running
One announcement that was not discussed:There are new charter masters that
have been produced. these will be distributed to
A. Star signet
B. Star Principal Herald
C the Regional Scribes
D. One designated person in each region other than the regional.
As a matter of document control any other sets will be assigned by Star
Signet. _No Local Guilds_ will be maintaining a set of masters (this really
only affects Elfsea who has been long the only local guild with this
privlegdge. the removal of this privilege is simply one of controlling
documents and no reflection on the work that guild has done for the Kingdom)
In Service to Crown and Kingdom
Darius of the Bells, OL
Star Signet
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