[Scriptoris] Speaking of Cool Ideas.......

Crystal Lamb clamb at Advocacyinc.org
Tue Nov 4 14:38:13 PST 2003

Doesn't this sound like fun.....and a good idea for a fund raiser at the
same time.....(and if you are wondering, it's pronounced "Rid-er-ich
Hail").  It could be done in time for 30th year.  And it need not me
limited to Women....it could be Uppity Ansteorrans......can you imagine
the pictures?:
Uppity Women of AEthelmearc
2003-11-03 23:00:47 (GMT+0:00) (Written by Cori Ghora / Contributed by
Milica / Posted by Justin)
96 reads
The Rhydderich Hael Scribal Guild is working on a calendar for sale as a
fund raiser, featuring the "Uppity Women of AEthelmearc." 
Cori Ghora, Guild Minister for the Rhydderich Hael Scribes Guild writes:

The Rhydderich Hael Scribal Guild is putting together a calendar for
sale as a fund raiser. We are hoping to raise money to bring in high
profile, professional calligraphy and illumination teachers for an event
yet to be determined (Herald's and Scribe's, Fall 2004?). 
The theme of the calendar is (with apologies) Uppity Women of
We are looking for nominations for the 12 main art pages. Send in the
women whom you think should be honored by inclusion amongst our
history-making ladies. Humor is welcome, but keep it clean and remember,
the ladies who are nominated will be reading the letters. 
Any lady nominated for the main pages has the right to refuse to be
included. All of those chosen will be contacted regarding their page. 
We are looking for the trail-blazers and the firsts, the women of
influence in our Kingdom. Choices will be made by the Rhydderich Hael
Guild after the finalists who are nominated have been contacted for
permission to use them. The deadline is Herald's and Scribe's in
Stormsport, November 29, 2003 (post marked). Calendars should be
available for sale at Twelfthnight in Beau Fleuve January 3, 2004. 
What do you think?

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