[Scriptoris] Office openings

Star Signet Star_signet at ansteorra.org
Fri Apr 16 06:45:33 PDT 2004

The time has come to begin accepting applications for Central and Coastal Regional Scribes. 

The regional scribes duties are as follows

Principal point of contact for distributing unpainted charters and accepting painted charters in each region. 

Assesment and providing for the educational needs of the region in the fields of C&I, including assiting local groups in setting up classes, or finding resources and source material. 

The regional scribe is expected to check in with local level C&I guilds and provide assistance with educational and administrative issues. 

Regional scribes report quarterly to Star Signet

Regional scribes are asked but not required  to have a charter painting table available at events at least once per reign

Please apply directly to the current holder of these offices and to Star signet

I would like to thank the current holders of these offices for a job well done and their many hours of service given to the C&I comunity and to Ansteorra. 

Coastal Scibe Lady Lissabetta coastal_scribe at ansteorra.org
Central Scribe HL Ceinwen ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com

In Service
Darius of the Bells, OL 
Star Signet
star_signet at ansteorra.org

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