[Scriptoris] Period Display of Scrolls?

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 8 20:52:17 PST 2004

--- Mahee <mahee_of_acre at yahoo.com> wrote:

> 1. Is there a period piece of furniture I could display a scroll on?

The cubbyhole of a desk, preferably one with a lock.

> 2. How would something fancy be displayed in period?

Specifically scribally?  I answered this in another post on this thread.  In
general?  Depends on the item.

> 3. Did they display Awards of Arms and if so how did they do it in period?

No.  They locked legal documents away because those documents were important
proof of ownership of land/titles/property.  They were displayed in court cases
to prove ownership.  Cases in which no documents any longer existed were an
especially nasty problem, and one of the few sorts of cases in England that
could still be decided, under certain very restrictive circumstances, by
resorting to trial by wager of battel.  These cases were very rare, especially
after the introduction of the Assize court system in the reign of Henry II.

Is your car title, marriage license, birth certificate, or house title on the
wall, or locked in a fireproof box?  Same thing.


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