[Scriptoris] Scroll online from Emma Dandelion

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 5 12:20:27 PDT 2004

Ansteorran Scribes, 
Those of you who recall Emma Dandelion from down Middleford way, well now she is in Drachenvald
serving the new Crown, John Peregrin and Honor of Restoreme, and you can see her standing behind
the throwns at the recently posted photos on the Ansteorran lists of their Coronation: 

If you check out photo number 63, that is an AOA scroll, made by Emma.  Very nice work.  
I for one envy her opportunity to play SCA amidst castle grounds, and have the opportunity to see
the great museums and manuscripts in Europe.   Keep up the good work Emma.  
Cheers, Hillary Greenslade 

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