[Scriptoris] New Incoming Sable Scroll

M TURNAGE ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 11 04:30:45 PDT 2004

Greetings Ansteorran Scribes,

I am pleased to announce that Her Excellency Stella Silvana is the new Sable 
Scroll for Their Majesties.  Anyone wishing to turn in any painted charters 
to the kingdom, should either turn them in to her, or your regional scribe 
or Star Signet, Master Darius of the Bells or local scribal guild.

It has been a pleasure serving the kingdom as Sable Scroll for Miguel and 
Conal and I would like to thank you all for your continued efforts to supply 
the kingdom with beautiful award scrolls to give to Ansteorra's populace.

VIVAT to you all!!!

In service,
H.E. Ceinwen ferch Rhuel

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