[Scriptoris] Pen Nibs

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 4 10:41:04 PST 2004

Ok, this probably won't translate well, but I have created an Excel speadsheet with the Pen Nib
Widths comparison.  If it is not printable, then e-mail me and I'll send you an attachment.  

Originally published in the 'Fourth Manual for the Calligraphic Arts' by Jane Van Milligen ISBN
0-9617137-3-9, from the Center for Calligraphic Arts (1991).  This series is wonderful and worth
having, though probably out-of-print.
This nib sheet was originally distributed by Zenaida, from issue number 2, my list is recopied
from issue number 4, so there may be a slight variance.   	

Nib Width Comparison Chart																							
Millimeters0.5	0.6	0.75	0.9	1	1.1	1.4	1.5	1.9	2	2.3	2.5	3	3.5	4	4.5	5	6	6.35	8	9.45	12.7	19
Automatic								1					2			3			3-A	4		5	6
Brause	1/2		3/4		1			1.5		2		2.5	3		4		5						
Coit																N6		N7			N8	N1	
Elegant Writer					XF					F		M	BR		XB								
Emmit																			1/4		3/8	1/2	3/4
H & B	1/2		3/4		1			1 1/2		2		2 1/2											
Hiro	.5				1			1.5		2		2.5	3		4		5						
Mitchell Italic	5		4		3			2		1													
Roundhand	6	5	4	3 1/2	3			2 1/2		2		1 1/2	1		0								
Mitchell Witch										1			2			2 1/2	3		4				
Osmiroid	XF		F	M			BR	B2		B3		B4	B5	B6	B8		B10						
Parker					F	 				M			B 										
Pendance																						1/2	3/4
Platignum	XF		F	M				BR		B2		B3	B4										
Reform						1.1		1.5	1.9		2.3												
Rond	4 1/2		4	3 1/2	3			2 1/2		2		1 1/2	1										
Rotring						1.1		1.5	1.9		2.3												
Sheaffer					F			M		BR													
Speedball			C6		C5			C4		C3			C2	C1			C0		C 1/4		C 3/8	C 1/2	C 3/4
Steel Brush																			1/4		3/8	1/2	3/4
Tape	1/2							1.5		2		2.5	3		4								
Waterman								stub															
Recopied from the 'Fourth Manual for the Calligraphic Arts' by Jane Van Milligen ISBN
0-9617137-3-9, from the Center for Calligraphic Arts (1991)																							
Hillary Rose Greenslade, Ansteorra 2004																							

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