[Scriptoris] Thanks from Westgate to Scribes efforts

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 17 10:46:13 PDT 2004

--- Darius of the Bells <star_signet at ansteorra.org> wrote:
> Greetings, 
> So who is having charter painting tables at your events? 
> What can I do as Signet to help people doing charter tables? 
> Do you want to have a charter painting table at your event but don't have time to do it
> yourself, and of course who wants to help out at these events?
> Darius 
> Signet
A special thanks to Curstaidh for hosting an impromptu charter paint table at Westgate Winter
Collegium last weekend.  I had asked her with little lead time, but her schedule did not permit,
though when she got to site earlier than planned, she offered again...Westgate was very happy of
offer this service to the painters that found the room.   Thanks Curstaidh!! 

Also, thanks to Sara Penrose, Golden Scroll, for providing a Sable Thistle to one of our members
from a 2001 award where the scroll was either lost from court or never arrived, either way, the
recipient never got it... and Sara was able to provide one as part of her new duties.   Kemma
thought it was very lovely, and extremely happy to have it at last.   Thanks Sara.  

Cheers, Hillary 
(looking forward to painting at AAA)

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