[Scriptoris] scribes e-lists for knowne world sca

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 5 17:40:21 PDT 2005

Some folks were asking me recently about the SCA-wide scribal e-list, and frankly I was surprized
to find that so few knew about them.  So, here goes: 

* Ansteorran Scribes e-list : <scriptoris at ansteorra.org>
(in the event this message gets forwarded)

* SCA-wide Scribes list that began in the eastern US:  <scribes at castle.org> 
They don't have a webpage to startup, and the archives are available via google search, but some
very solid information available. You may just need to send an e-mail to the list by way of
application to be on the subscription list.   

* SCA-wide Scribes Yahoo Group:  <sca_scribes_and_illumination at yahoogroups.com>
You can go to Yahoo groups and put in subject SCA Scribes and Illumination and it should find this
group.  Good e-list, with space for archives, files and galleries.  

There are other e-list on yahoo: SCA printmakers, SCA bookbinders, etc. 

Posts that I really like, I'll save copy to my harddrive files, when I get too many, I'll burn off
a CD for my own 'archives'.  Check them out and start learning cool stuff, 
Cheers, Hillary 

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