[Scriptoris] Northern Regional Scribe announcement

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 2 18:30:36 PST 2005

I am pleased to announce that HL Anya Gordon Lamont, has accepted the office of Northern Regional
Scribe, effective immediately.  Lady Anya is well know as an accomplished organizer in the north,
and brings many years of charter painting and scribal skills to the office.   Anya may be
contacted directly at: 
<mooharpist at cox.net>.

Many thanks to the retiring Northern Regional Scribe, Mistress Claryce Orfevre, for her tireless
efforts in working with the guilds, and special projects for Ansteorran charter scrolls.  
She will be missed in this office, but we wish her a hearty Vivat! in her retirement. 

In service, 
Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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