[Scriptoris] seeking painted charters for a library...

Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio chiara at io.com
Mon Feb 7 11:43:04 PST 2005

Please do not be offended by what I am going to say next.

I worked very hard to get the ones I have to make the Ansteorran
Scribes webpage for exactly this purpose. Why are you wanting to
redo what we have already created?

We went through a lot to get permissions to post those and were even
accused of stealing work from others when we did. We had to pull
some original scrolls down because they did not feel that we had the
rights to do that even though they filled out the release form and
sent it in themselves.

They claimed misunderstanding that the site would be password
protected for the use by the kingdom scribes only. No one ever said
anything about that nor was it ever in the works to do. Yes, I am
still upset about being accused of stealing work via a third party.
When I talked to the person they said they never did such a thing
but that they never signed permission to do so either. Sigh.

With all that in mind I have to caution you against doing this and
just link to what we have up already. Due to this accusation I
believe the links to the high res charters were also pulled and no
longer linked. But they were on the server for two years prior to
the pull.

zubeydah at northkeep.org said:
> Greetings, Oh Scribes of Ansteorra:
> I am seeking high resolution scanned images of finished painted
> charters, to
> place in an on-line library, hosted on my personal website. If you
> have
> electronic versions of your best work, and are willing to share it
> with other
> ansteorran scribes (credited, of course), please contact me off
> list.
> My goal is a full on-line 'library' containing each of the
> following, for
> **each and every charter ever used in Ansteorra**:
> - Original, black and white, unpainted version
> - Full color, fully finished version
> - Source images for reference, or at the least, notations of each
> reference
> work such that the scribe can find it at a public library.
> - name of artist of painted version, group, and date the work was
> done.
> - name of artists involved in creation of original charter, group,
> and date the
> work was done.
> - Description of correct color palette to be used for each charter,
> as well as
> any special instructions for badges, etc.
> The charters would be sorted by type, with as much information as
> humanly
> possible available for each one. In an ideal and perfect world, I
> would *adore*
> getting charters painted by the designers of the work, so that we
> see how they
> most intended it to be done.
> My goal with this project is to provide as much detail as possible
> on these
> charters to Ansteorra's scribes. I know that when I've seen finished
> versions
> of each charter, it has helped me to develop and better my 'eye' and
> technique.
> I'm hoping this library concept would help other beginning scribes,
> too, and
> thus, I seek your help!
> In service,
> Zubeydah
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Franchesca Havas

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