[Scriptoris] peerage pattents

Corbisier, Barbara L barb at tamu.edu
Mon Feb 7 12:11:13 PST 2005

Yes!  Count me in!

-Catherine Barbary
 Raven's Fort

Star Signet <star_signet at ansteorra.org> said:

> OK time to kick ye old venerable and dented can of worms again. 
> i have an Idea, and I am willing to praticapate in it and am curious to 
see who else would be
> I would like to start a collection of original peerage pattents that are 
complete all except the name date and where. they will be original but we 
can start getting new peers their pattnts on time. These would not be pre 
print charters and a new peer (or an existing peer who never got their 
patent) could pick one from the stock pile and have it filled in and Presto! 
Peers have Pattnts
> So any one interested?
> Any ideas on how to make something like this work (it is just an idea 
currently I have not figured out the logistics but it is sounding like 
something I would be draging Golden Scroll into)
> Darius 
> Signet


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