[Scriptoris] peerage patents

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 04:40:38 PST 2005

For anyone who is curious, I have dated pre-printed, fill-in-the-blank legal
documents (not letters patent or charters specifically, but a form of legal
document) to late-seventeeth-century France, by virtue of having purchased such
a document on ever-dangerous ebay.  I can try to remember to bring my
collection (such as it is) of period documents (the illuminated ones and the
legal ones) to KA&S this weekend, if anyone is interested.


--- Star Signet <star_signet at ansteorra.org> wrote:

> OK time to kick ye old venerable and dented can of worms again. 
> i have an Idea, and I am willing to praticapate in it and am curious to see
> who else would be
> I would like to start a collection of original peerage pattents that are
> complete all except the name date and where. they will be original but we can
> start getting new peers their pattnts on time. These would not be pre print
> charters and a new peer (or an existing peer who never got their patent)
> could pick one from the stock pile and have it filled in and Presto! Peers
> have Pattnts

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