Fw: [Scriptoris] Questions Regarding Charters . . .

Zubeydah zubeydah at northkeep.org
Tue Feb 8 07:02:57 PST 2005

right. it doesn't say MELEE combat.
But that's how it's come to be thought of, rather widely.

If you're clarifying something else, I guess I missed it (I am SO not a morning person...)


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ches 
  To: Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc. 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 8:50 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: [Scriptoris] Questions Regarding Charters . . .

  Actually ...

  "There shall exist in Ansteorra an order unto which the Crown shall
  select persons who have demonstrated all of the following qualities:

      * Exceptional leadership, skill and honor in chivalric combat.
      * Service to Ansteorra and its people;
      * Knowledge of the courtly graces; and
      * Obedience to the laws and ideals of Ansteorra and of the
  Society for Creative Anachronism.

  This Order shall be known as the Order of the Centurions of the
  Sable Star..."

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