[Scriptoris] Charter Request from Crown

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 17:01:07 PST 2005

My Lord Star, 
When I'd hear of the Crown's preference for specific charters declaring them 
in terms as 'King and Queen' verses the Latin form of 'Rex et Regina', I took a quick 
look at the scrolls available... sadly, there are few with the terms 'King and Queen' 
in the text.  

In addition to a preference of charters to paint, ...
a simple fix to this dilemma is to have the heralds transcribe the texts as they read the
words...so if the text states 'Rex et Regina', the words will magically proceed from the Heralds
mouth as 'King and Queen'; as has been done for Crowns of years past with a similar personal
preference to country or language.  

Just a thought, Hillary

--- "Etienne de St. Amaranth" <star at ansteorra.org> wrote:

> To all scribes, heralds, and illuminers who may be subscribed to these 
> lists, greetings!
> I was asked by Her Majesty this weekend to "get the word out" about one 
> scribal painting preference.  TRM Ulsted and Cateau have expressed a 
> preference for charters that include the text "King and Queen" rather than 
> the Latin "Rex et Regina".  This should not cause you to stop in-progress 
> items or charters for which you cannot find a non-Latin titled 
> version.  But, as you are beginning new charters, know that our Crown has a 
> preference and please try to provide the desired versions where possible.
> With thanks for all of your efforts,
> Seigneur Etienne
> Star Principal Herald

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