[Scriptoris] 'The Calligraphers Handbook' - recommendation

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 08:23:52 PST 2005

The 'The Calligrapher's Handbook' is out of print in the USA, per John Neal Books (see below).  
I have found copies at Half-Price Books, via a Taplinger press buyout.  Only in paperback, and
I've seen it priced between $6 - $12.  Amazon also still has it via their booksellers.  

You can view a copy of the table of contents on Amazon (need to paste URL together) 

I highly recommend a copy of this book for your calligraphy library, or your guild to own a copy. 
Once this book is sold out via the discounters, it'll likely be unavailable in the US. 
So, plan to get a copy now. 
Cheers, Hillary 
(per John Neal Books)
B004. The Calligrapher's Handbook  
Edited by Heather Child. 1985. 260pp. 7.25"x9.75". Paper. A manual of traditional craft technique
including Sam Sommerville on Parchment and Vellum. Dorothy Hutton on Pigments and Media and on
Illumination and Decoration, and Donald Jackson on Gilding. Essential reading for the modern
illuminator, especially for laying gold.

Out of print in the USA, but we will be ordering from the UK in February 2004. We will then
determine the price. If you order, we will notify you of the price and send the book upon arrival.

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