[Scriptoris] Need help -- not too proud to beg

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 12 15:06:37 PDT 2005

You going to be at Round Table or Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium?   
There will be scribal gatherings at both, which maybe a good time to touch base 
with folks about building your handout.   

Now, Illumination can be a broad subject.  Are you teaching an illumination design technique, such
as ivy vines or knotwork?  Or are you teaching painting techniques, such as for pre-designed
charters for awards?   Makes a difference in how to assist you with materials.  

Cheers, Hillary

--- Tamberlin <tamberlinofnk at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I've been con'd ---- err volunteered to teach a basic
> illumination class at Winterkindgom this year.  The
> problem is this is my first time teaching a class and
> I don't have any handouts etc prep'd for the fledgling
> painters.  If anyone can send me some basic stuff or
> point me in the right direction to get them off the
> web or something I'd appreciate it.  I've still got
> some of mine from back when but they're hardly in any
> condition the go through the copier now.  This is
> going to be illumination only no calligraphy and only
> the really basic stuff for people debating on picking
> up their first anstorrian scroll to send up the chain.
>  I could also use some blanks to hand out to the class
> if anybody knows where I can get some :)
> Thanks in advance and wish me luck.
> Oh & I'm willing to bet that if any of you calligraphy
> types would be willing to teach a calligraphy 101 the
> autocrats wouldn't mind the offer at all :) (memories
> of turning in pages & pages & pages of nothing but
> lines in school still haunt my dreams)
> Lady Cunovinda ingen Choinnich
> aka Tamberlin
> Northkeep, Ansteorra
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