[Scriptoris] Scribes articles for KWHSS Proceedings 2005 WANTED!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 17:32:01 PDT 2005

Greetings Scribes of the knowne world, 

The event 'Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium' (KWHSS) puts together a booklet of
articles on things Heraldic and Scribal, called the 'Proceedings'; sets of 8.5 x 11 pages,
punched, ready to insert into a three-ring binder.  Prices range per year, depending on how many
pages.   It's my dream that one year the scribal section will be larger than the heraldry
section... ah!

Prior years Proceedings, can be found at the SCA Stockclerks pages at: 
(go to the tab 'Free Trumpet Press', page through till the Proceedings lists. ) 
An index of Proceedings is below, you can see which issue you may wish to purchase:
(check out Caid, 1984 - the list of articles by Mistress Éowyn Amberdrake is great!)    

Most kingdoms have online websites with their handbooks, but scribes have class handouts that are
not often in those handbooks. Those classes can easily be turned into a Proceedings article.  You
don't have to attend KWHSS to submit an article.  Plus, it will get you 'published'!!   

So consider putting an article into this year's Proceedings.  
It's a way to present your class to those not in your kingdom.  
See 2005 Proceedings details at: 

Thanks, Hillary / Ansteorra 

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