[Scriptoris] Scribal Class: 'Mixing Paints, Shading and Tones' - Nov. 6th, 2-4pm

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 2 17:06:02 PST 2005

Stargate Scribes Guild is pleased to present a
scribal Class: 'Mixing Paints, Shading and Tones', 
taught by Lady Natalia Auvert.  

Set your calendars for Nov. 6th, Sunday, 2-4pm,
to learn from Lady Natalia Auvert how to mix
gouach paints, mix colors for shading, tones, and
complementary colors. Natalia has been training
with a professional artist and will share some tips.

Many scribes are novices to the art mediums of
paints, so this should be a great way to gain some
skills to better your scroll work.

Materials to bring: 
Paints, palettes, toothpicks, paper, brushes
(some supplies provided if you don't have). 

SCA Garb is not required.  

Location: (Near Belt8 & Clay Road, west Houston)
Home of Godwin and Lissa, 
3003 Bernadette Lane    Houston, Tx.  
(713) 690-5494 if directions needed.  

Please let me know if you have a class to
offer or a topic you are interested in for future

Cheers, Hillary Greenslade
Stargate Scribes Guild Principal

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