[Scriptoris] scribes class at Bordermarch Melees

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 17 16:11:48 PST 2005

Hey Scribes, 
Check out the class that Lady Catherine Barbary is teaching at Bordermarch Melees this weekend: 
Original Scroll Design
Commons Tent, Saturday, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Want to do original scrolls but don't know where to begin?
Come find out!  We'll talk about what to copy and how,
basic tools and techniques, and proper calligraphy hand.
Lady Catherine Barbary.   1hr

Bring pencil, eraser, Calligraphy Pens & regular black pen

For a list of other classes at Bordermarch, see the site: 

BTW - if you are teaching a scribally related class at 
any upcoming event, especially non-collegium events, 
please post it here so we can all consider attending.  
I've been known to go to an event just to take a class!  

Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet 
(whose seriously bummed she's still getting over a cold, 
and can't attend.)

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