[Scriptoris] Ansteorran Award Texts are update online

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 17:21:11 PDT 2005

The Ansteorran Award Texts have been updated for 2005, and are now online!!
Vivat to the hardworking crew for their efforts in creating the texts, typing them, those that
reviewed the texts, and the webstaff that got the links up!!  

The Ansteorran Award Texts are located on the Heralds page, menu item 'Library' at: 
Look for the listing 'Official Awards Texts'.  

Scribe's page has several links.  I find some are working and possibly some are not (though it
could be my PC).  Here's a list of the ones I found working, under these subject items. 
1. FAQ - working 
2. Links  - working.  
3. Table of Active Charters (down under the table) - label still says 1999 version, as well as
link to the 1999 version. 
4. Article - has label to 2005, but the link is not working for me. 
(Note, once a new Scribal Webadmin. is named, these issues will be corrected.)

(Hint - my PC times-out due to the size volume of the doc. when I click the link.  Rather,
download the texts by right clicking on the link, select 'Save Target As..', and copy it down to
harddrive.  Once downloaded, open it directly from PC, no more issues.  Hope that helps.)

Scribes, if you want to design a new charter, please contact me first; so that I can advise of any
updates, and coordinate designers to limit too much duplication of the same awards, where perhaps
another is wanting a design.  

Many thanks to Serena Laselles for her continuing excellence in the Ansteorran Scroll texts; and
to Sara Penrose for the PDF update and reformating.  Also to Emma de Featherston for adjusting the
updated weblinks on the scribes pages.  

I'll leave it to Serena and Sara to advise the scribes of the new texts and adjustments to current

In service, 
Hillary Greenslade 
Star Signet


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