[Scriptoris] middle eastern charters..?

Chiara Francesca Chiara.Francesca at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 13:17:00 PDT 2005

Heh .. funny you should ask that, it is one of my line items. ;)

Many years ago I was asked to create the art but not the text for
such a charter. I still have the art somewhere as the officers
changed at the time and they no longer needed it.

I looked at it this past summer speculating if it could be used. I
have to admit that with a more mature eye I can see that it has an
element of fantasy. Back then in the 80's it would have been
acceptable, not now.

We have one very gifted scribe that does scrolls with a middle
eastern flavor in mind. He is just incredible and has done a small
project for Mahdi already.

Mahee. I would suggest you all go to his site and study what he has
done if you want ideas and documentation. :)


HL Chiara Francesca
TRH Chatelaine

On Mon, October 3, 2005 3:09 pm, zubeydah at northkeep.org said:
> With the winner of Crown Tournament's persona being Middle
> Eastern...
> I was curious if there are any middle eastern charters in existance.
> I've heard
> rumors of them being developed a few times, but haven't ever
> actually spotted
> one, and was curious...
> -Zubeydah
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