[Scriptoris] Ansteorran Award Texts are update online

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 13 19:06:02 PDT 2005

--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Scribes, 
> The Ansteorran Award Texts have been updated for 2005, and are now online!!
> Vivat to the hardworking crew for their efforts in creating the texts, typing
> them, those that reviewed the texts, and the webstaff that got the links up!!

> I'll leave it to Serena and Sara to advise the scribes of the new texts and
> adjustments to current ones.  

The list of document changes may be found on page four of the document, at the
end of the introduction, which I once again strongly encourage everyone to
read.  Countess Sara, as the computer guru on this project (these days, I am
practically a Luddite), will no doubt be able to answer any questions about all
the cool features she worked so hard to add to the .pdf.  It is through her
hard work and dedication (not the least of which was devoted to dragging me to
my computer to IM for several *very* late nights in August) that this document
at last comes before you all.

And before any of you ask, yes, the achievement texts will be offered
eventually, perhaps early next year, after she and I finish off some more
urgent projects.

--Serena, Blanc Gryffon Herald
Deputy to Star Principal Herald in Charge of Official Ansteorran Awards Texts

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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