[Scriptoris] questions on colour

M TURNAGE ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 14 13:03:25 PDT 2005

Hi Clare,

Winsor & Newton Designer's Gouache is the best brand, actually the only 
brand that I will use for paints.  Colors?  Well, here's a basic set of 
colors to get you started:  Cobalt Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow 
Pale, Permanent Green Med., Zinc White & Permanent White

  Marc Drogin's Medieval Calligraphy
  History of Illuminated Manuscript by Christopher De Hamel
  The Illuminated Page by Janet Backhouse

BTW, I'm at work too and would rather answer your questions than work.  ;-D
Have a great weekend!

In service,
Baroness Ceinwen~

>DISCLAIMER:  (It's Friday and I don't want to be at work.  So I'm thinking 
>of things to do instead).
>I'm really curious.  If I were to go to the store and get tubes of paint 
>what brand of paint, type and color would I get?
>I'm asking for is everyone's favorite.
>If I bought three books (my favorites) which would they be - Okay- what are 
>your three favorite books on calligraphy and illumination.

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