[Scriptoris] question

lisabetta at kjsl.com lisabetta at kjsl.com
Tue Oct 18 11:02:42 PDT 2005


Any scribe wether they are in a guild or not is a part of the college of

If I remeber correctly the College was created as a Training Tool for
Scribes as was the College of Heralds.

We are a pretty elusive group of people to bring out of our corners,
however many groups do have guilds and if you can get to a meeting I

What they do varies from group to group.
some only work on painting charters, some hold monthly classes witha topic
of a how to do type theme.

some gather to work on orginal award scrolls for events.

basiclly if you don't have a guild in your area contact your regional and
they willlet you know what scribes you have near you adn will be a great
starting block. Your regional shoul dhave a wealth of knowledge or know
where to point you.


> I suddenly thought of an odd question to ask everyone.
> If a group has a scribes Guild are all the members of the Scribes Guild
> considered to be members of the College of Scribes?  I would assume that
> they aren't but they could be.
> Also, for those people who are in local Scribe's Guild's  -- what do you
> all do in them.
> Just curious.
> Clare
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