[Scriptoris] Star Signet out of the office

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 20:17:59 PDT 2005

Greetings Scribes, 
I will be out of the office for a week, till Sept. 15th, unless I can get computer access, though
I doubt it.  If issues arise, please contact Countess Sara Penrose, Sable Scroll, who will act as
my backup this week, or contact your Regional Scribes.   All contact information for these
officers is in the Black Star.  

I look forward to meeting with many of you at the upcoming College of Scribes meetings;
Raven's Fort - Sept 10th, around 1pm.  
Elfsea - Sept. 24th, around 12 noon. 

Cheers, Hillary Greenslade
Star Signet

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