[Scriptoris] Hurricane Rita - aftermath and disaster recovery.

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 11:07:56 PDT 2005

Greetings Scribes, 
Star Signet (Hillary) and Sable Scroll (Sara Penrose) have fared well in this storm.  
I had hardly any rain, and minor wind gusts; some intermittent power outages, but gasoline is a
huge problem (there isn't any).  I went back to work Monday.   

While setting up the house for the storm, I had plans to drive out with the scroll masters and
some Signet files, but didn't have to once the storm turned.  But, it got me to thinking about
disaster recovery (something I have to do at work as a computer programmer).  

I'd like to start a project to archive or scan (hi-quality) the Signet files and any historical
documents.   Then, provide a copy of the disk/s to the regionals. (I know some scroll masters were
scanned already by the former chronicler.)   Also, I want to prepare a procedure document on the
process of archiving.  Should our Ansteorran scribal files be damaged by storm or fire, we can at
least reclaim much of the artwork and documents to reinitiate our scribal system.   

If you have any ideas or suggestions for this project, or want to assist in the effort, please let
me know.  
Cheers, Hillary Greenslade
Star Signet

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